
The mobility of tomorrow is already here!

Published the 21 July 2020 in Event

Contribution of Aly Adham, President of ISOSIGN, to the magazine "Cautious Public Space" published by the Association Prévention Routière where it recalls the importance of road signs for the reorganization and sharing of public space while respecting each user. Photo credit : Pierre MOREL

"The mobility of tomorrow is already here. Both for connected mobility and new mobilities (Scooters, hoverboards...), the challenge is the sharing of public space with respect for each user. The crisis accelerates the phenomenon, with in particular tactical urbanism (temporary bike paths, etc.).
Signage therefore plays a key role since it conveys the common language that organizes this sharing.. My advice for this acceleration to go well, it is to give priority to the key element of the message.
To know : the fact that it is temporary, exceptional. These codes are well known to the public. They immediately attract attention."