
Aly Adham elected to the Presidency of the Union of the road facilities

Published the 19 May 2017 in Event

Paris, the 19 may 2017 - Members of the Union of the road facilities (SER) yesterday voted at their annual general meeting their new President, Aly Adham.

Involved in trades of equipment of the road since most of 32 years, one who succeeds Jean-Bernard Conrad said to pursue actions so far by his predecessor to promote the central role of the road facilities in road safety, and with all of the stakeholders in the world of the road : Members, public authorities, associations, users, etc.

The continuation of the work and partnerships to position the sector at the heart of the construction of the road connected and smart is also part of the roadmap of the new President, as well as the creation of the new "Acoustic Protection works" section.

The equipment of the road always at the heart of road safety
Enrolling in an extension of the actions and convictions of its predecessor Jean-Bernard Conrad, Aly Adham wishes to continue the development of road and urban facilities such as central element of road safety.
Aly Adham : "For two years., road safety is deteriorating, the mortality rate is increasing. At the same time, communities a strong pressure on the budget and reduce spending on equipment of the road. As a result, I wish that we continue to work in the field of development of our equipment with headquarters, that we continue to raise awareness about the need for equipment quality and in good condition, as contributors and determinants of road safety. This must be done in an economic and fiscal context always difficult for all public authorities. In this sense, We must continue to make known our trades and industries to principals, continue to enhance the representativeness of the Trade Union and promote wealth management solutions allowing public authorities to invest and maintain the road and its facilities in the most efficient way possible".

The equipment of the road in the middle of the road to 5emegeneration
Aly Adham also wishes to transition from the sector in the world connected to give a full role to the facilities of the road in the interface with connected vehicles.
Aly Adham : "The equipment must evolve and contribute largely to the new era of the connected vehicle that opens before us.. We must strengthen the partnerships already engaged with the world of research (as already initiated with Vedecom) and the automotive sector (as one with the FIEV on the occasion of the Salon Equip Auto, and the result will take the form of a demonstrator explaining the interactions between the road and the connected vehicle), that road equipment are incorporated now in the reflections on the movement of the connected vehicle, then stand-alone. It is crucial that all of our supporters and members of the industry are positioning themselves against the road of tomorrow, It is true that the equipment has a central role to play in its construction. The vehicle, as much as the driver, must be able to rely on a good view of the road, its contours, infiltration of channels, bans, bonds, to work on a universal reading of the road, based on a real and realistic reading, and not on a virtual reading. Realistic playback we seems to be a key element for vehicle-equipment interaction incorporates the notion of coherence of the equipment and the overlap with other forms of mobility (transit, etc.). These various sites require time, energy, the involvement. I therefore expect a strong membership in terms of action and true teamwork of all the members of the Union and this regardless of their branch of activity. It's the future of the profession and our societies. The road facilities have a role to play in this new connected world and it's up to to seize us this opportunity. ".

The creation of a new section to unite the whole of the sector
Aly Adham has announced the creation of a new "Acoustic Protection works" section. Usually built along infrastructure close to dwellings and sources of noise (major roads, peripheral channels, tracks, motorway, etc.), These insulation equipment are designed to reduce noise pollution, considered to be an important source of stress, even severe disorders of sleep and health. This section will include industrial (wood panel manufacturers, concrete-wood, concrete, Polycarbonate, etc.) and construction companies (Construction of supporting structure and laying of panels).
Aly Adham : "The SER is is always wanted to unifying various stakeholders of highways.. Today, one of the pillars of this new section is to join other types of equipment such as for example anti-noise equipment, located in the roads first : If the guides contribute to the security level, acoustic protection works contribute to the protection of the environment in terms of noise and the well-being of local residents. It is for us to unite actors who often have significant interactions. Sometimes, This is the same actor who will combine the two features. It remains in our world, the road and its environment. We can also imagine that tomorrow other equipment will join us. This creation is important in our mission which is to unite the whole of the sector, recruit new members and strengthen the Union at the level of its representation.
32 years of commitment to the equipment of the road
Training engineering and holds a 3rd cycle, Aly Adham has been involved for most of 32 years in the business of road equipment (half in the fields of engineering and the other half in industries). He is a member of the Union since 7 years (including two years as President of the signalling vertical section), President General of ISOSIGN (60 employees, 13 M€ turnover), a company he created in 2007, specialized in the design, the manufacture and marketing of equipment of the road (road signs, horizontal signaling, digital solutions, etc.), comply with the current standards and certified by the ASCQUER CE/NF.

Reminder, the General Assembly of the SER was held yesterday, Thursday 18 may, the space calling Republic in Paris. Hervé Maurey, Senator of the Eure, and Yves Crozet, Professor at the University of Lyon including presented a conference on the theme 'the french road heritage. " : an economic asset to preserve. ".

Finally, the SER is unveiled its new logo : a logo that is sober, comforting and reassuring to reaffirm the Union structure reference on road safety.

About the Union of the road facilities
The SER brings together the main French companies involved in the design and manufacturing of equipment for the road. The Union is organised around 6 sections : "Signs". (panels, etc.), "Horizontal signs. (pavement marking, etc.), "Restraint systems. (guard rails, etc.), "Traffic control". (lights, etc.), - 'Security '., markup, sites' and 'acoustic protection works.. The road facilities represent a turnover of 1,5 billion euros and more than 5 000 jobs.