
ISOSIGN participates in the rehabilitation of the facilities of signalling in Abidjan

Published the 11 April 2016 in Development

The Isosign panels feature the roads of Abidjan. Credit photos : Isosign®

The Ivorian road network account 82 000 km of roads which 4 000 km of urban roads, the majority concentrated in Abidjan.
This network needs to be upgraded to limit the social and economic consequences : increase in the cost of transport, reduction of trade between different regions of the country and impoverishment of the rural enclave.
This necessary rehabilitation is one of the priorities of the Ministry of economic infrastructure (MIE) to catch up with the economic development of the country, and the sustainability of the road asset.

It is in this context that ISOSIGN has been requested and retained for the provision of signs. The project concerns the treatment of more of 50 km of road and equipment of 57 intersections. The project is supported by the French Agency for development, the Convention C2D between the french State and the Ivorian State.
The keys to this success were products respondents to the requirements of the Côte d'Ivoire and a local service provided by the presence of several employees of ISOSIGN, on site, in Abidjan.

This is how ISOSIGN is proud to participate in the rehabilitation of the facilities of road signs in the district of Abidjan, soon returned to nine for the comfort of the users of the road of Côte d'Ivoire.