The Monay ZA
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The Monay ZA
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ISOSIGN presented the Grand Gold Medal to one of its longest-serving female employees who is retiring.
ISOSIGN would like to salute one of its oldest employees who is retiring.
Evelyne CNEUDE spent no less than 40 years in road equipment starting in 1980 at POTEY then by joining ISOSIGN in 2008. She knows vertical signage down to the last detail and has always been good advice to new recruits when it comes to regulation..
Evelyne was also the second employee and first woman when she joined ISOSIGN in 2008.
In order to pay tribute to its commitment to the values dear to ISOSIGN that are work, involvement and professionalism, Aly ADHAM, President of ISOSIGN, and Thierry ESPADA, Commercial Director, visited her at her home to present her with the Grand Gold Medal and congratulate her on her 40 years of service.
Moment of emotion for Evelyne who was warmly thanked by Aly ADHAM for her exemplary loyalty during her 13 years at ISOSIGN.
We wish Evelyne a well-deserved retirement!